时间:2018-07-03 11:07 作者:admin 返回列表
Since the implementation of the environmental protection policy in 2017, enterprises all over the country have been actively promoting the transformation of low-nitrogen burners for gas boilers. The low nitrogen emission of low nitrogen boilers has been exposed in many commercial products of low nitrogen boilers.
According to whether the furnace size can meet the standard or not, the transformation of low-nitrogen boiler can be divided into the following two ways:
1. Replace the low-nitrogen extinguisher (full premixed, external circulation of flue gas, internal circulation of flue gas)
2. Change the boiler (condensing boiler, three-return gas boiler + low nitrogen extinguisher)
As the condensing furnace is more environmentally friendly and less nitrogen, it has become a certain trend to choose to replace the condensing boiler in the transformation of the boiler low-nitrogen burner:
(1). ultra-high efficiency: the efficiency of condensing boiler is 20% to 30% higher than that of ordinary boiler, and the thermal efficiency of condensing boiler can reach 108.9%.
(2) condensing boiler exhaust smoke temperature is low: low exhaust temperature to 35 ℃.
(3) .wide range of water supply temperature adjustment: condensing boilers are equipped with the world's most advanced and quality water temperature control fragmentation and common structure and extinguishing methods.
(4) .more environmentally friendly: the NOx emission of condensing boilers is only 30ppm, lower than the 56ppm level of European code 5. The carbon monoxide emission is much lower than the normal boiler emission standard. Because of the high extinguishing efficiency, the carbon dioxide produced is much lower than that of ordinary gas boilers. The running noise is less than 40 decibels.
(5) safer: the condensing boiler adopts forced circulation and can not extinguish the indoor air (the ordinary boiler must extinguish the indoor air, and in order to be safe, the flue gas alarm shall be added to the fragmentary).
(6). Plant area is small, compared to a traditional boiler of the air volume is small, the size of saving boiler room area, 1 ton of boiler air product as low as 1.3 ㎡.
(7) regional heating control fragmentation: provide perfect regional heating control fragmentation, intelligent control of all secondary equipment in the heat network, reasonable use of regional heating, more energy saving.
(8). The condensing boiler using common condensation technology, maximum limit application out of heat, use advanced technology to mix fuel and air is abundant, the fuel abundant, should provide sufficient power boiler, and exports to maximize heat recovery of flue gas.
(9) condensing hot water boiler adopts the latest concept of modular design, which can provide various types of condensing boilers of different specifications according to the practical needs of users.
Beijing chong for mechanical and electrical equipment co., LTD has mature n burner assembly lines and experimental platform, and success will be low nitrogen gas recirculation burner used in domestic gas boiler of low nitrogen transform a variety of formats. We can produce ultra-low nitrogen gas recirculation burners from 0.5 to 60 tons. Company has the senior experts boiler structure, the burner control expert, burning material top r&d team of experts and senior industry experts, dedicated to provide customers with the most environmentally friendly, the most economical and optimal performance, the most timely supply low nitrogen burner and the boiler low nitrogen transformation plan!
Our customers include large boiler factory, thermal company, automobile factory, food factory winery, hospital, community, shopping mall, school, national railway system, national army system and other fields. We will use our rich experience in low nitrogen combustion technology to provide our customers with the best service.
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